
Here is a map of Kurdistan from Google.com. This map also shows Turkey, and where the Kurds and spread throughout. You can click on the image to be brought to the page of the picture.

Kurds Children in Turkey

Kurds Children in Turkey
Here is a picture of Kurdish children in Turkey. This picture was take from WWW.Google.com. If you click on the picture you can be brought to the page.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Music of the Kurds

Here is a picture of the Kurds doing a popular dance found at www.google.com. Click here to go to the webpage.


      When you think of American music what comes to mind? Maybe Justin Bieber, A$AP Rocky, Miley Cyrus? There`s all different kinds of music. There`s rap, country, hip-hop, classical, jazz, rock, so many options! Well when it comes to Kurdish music there are three main types of music. The three main types of music are storytellers, bards, and minstrels. Love songs, dance music, and wedding songs are extremely popular in the Kurdish population. The instruments that are most popular are called tembûr, qernête, bilûr, simsal, Zirne, and dahol. 

       Here are a list of popular Kurdish Artists : 
  •  Kamkars Ensemble
  •  Ilana Eliya
  •  Mahsa and Marjam Vahdat
  •  Kayhan Kalhor & Ali Akbar Moradi
 Here are some videos you can watch o Kurdish music:

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